

The weather is largely determined by the high humidity. Humidity is at its lowest from December to March, while the rainy season slowly begins in May. At the beginning of the summer rainy season, the perceived temperatures are very high, because high temperatures and high humidity create a stifling climate and hinder the natural cooling functions of the body. Sports activities such as hiking are not recommended during this time. Even a normal walk can turn into an exertion.

Between July and October, precipitation is at its highest and the rainy season reaches its peak. Here, the perceived temperature is already more pleasant. From a European point of view, the “monsoon-like” rainfalls can only be compared with short-lived heavy rains, because the precipitation has been much lower in recent years.

Towards the later end of the rainy season, the climate becomes more pleasant again and the perceived temperatures are also even lower. Especially September stands out positively here.

Rainfall in Siem Reap

Most tourists from Europe come to Siem Reap between November and January to escape the winter at home.

Temperatures in Siem Reap at a glance:

January: 20°C to 33°C
February: 22°C to 34°C
March: 27°C to 36°C
April: 26°C to 38°C
May: 28°C to 39°C
June: 26°C to 36°C
July: 26°C to 35°C
August: 26°C to 33°C
September: 25°C to 33°C
October: 25°C to 32°C
November: 21°C to 32°C
December: 21°C to 33°C